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You can get up to 2500 PLN bonus depending on your Friend’s experience
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Lead Salesforce Developer | Katowice | #548b
- Role: Lead Salesforce Developer
- Contract: Employment contract
- Location: Katowice
Test Automation Engineer (C#) | Krakow | #686
- Position: Test Automation Engineer (C#)
- Location: Krakow
- Industry: Fintech
Database Administrator | Krakow | #688
- Position: Database Administrator
- Location: Krakow
- Industry: Fintech
Firmware Developer | Krakow| #687
- Role: Firmware Developer
- Tech stack: C, Python
- Location: Krakow
PHP Developer | Krakow | #627
- Position: PHP Developer
- Salary: Up to 16k pln Perm or B2B
- Industry: Prop-tech
Product Owner | Kraków | #685
- Rola: Product Owner
- Lokalizacja: Kraków
- Metodologia: Scrum (more…)

Piotr Więcaszek
iOS Developer
I honestly think I was very lucky to get to know Kaja 🙂 She is very professional and she knows how to make the recruit feel comfortable and stressless. Contact with her was immediate as she always kept me up to date with recruitment process. It is worth to mention that Kaja performs magnificently when time is of the essence.

Pawel Sztur
Software Engineer
Kaja is very passionate about what she is doing. She recognizes talents in people and no doubt she can spot both positives and potential risks. She is great negotiator. Through constructive dialogue Kaja can find a perfect balance that will satisfy both sides.

Aleksander Samól
.NET Developer
Thanks to Wacław, my recruitment process was smooth and easy. He was always available, eager to help, but most importantly – found the right offer for me!

Pawel Synowiec
Ruby on Rails Developer
Sprawny kontakt, miły człowiek, konkretny, profesjonalny, bardzo jestem zadowolony ze współpracy, polecam! 🙂

Patryk Gurgul
Front End Developer
When it comes to Wacław, first word which comes to my mind is: effective. Very dedicated and always eager to help with any possible aspect of recruitment process – and beyond it!

Andrzej Witecki
Software Engineer
Profesjonalny w swoim fachu. Przez cały okres rekrutacji mogłem liczyć na jego wsparcie zarówno w kontekście doradztwa jak i podczas negocjacji. Na plus również zainteresowanie wynikami konkretnych etapów kwalifikacyjnych, etc.

Sławomir Gnatoński
Senior .NET Developer
I had a real pleasure to be guided through quite hard recruitment process by Wacław. What was outstanding about the way Wacław was handling the process and communication between me and my current company was that he introduced very short feedback loop, he kept the communication open all the time and was very proactive in solving any problems and answering all the questions, which ended up in closing the recruitment process in very short time. I highly recommend Wacław as a recruiter that is able to show how effective recruitment process can be.

Adrian Drabik
Java Software Developer
Kasia Stefanek-Ostrowska prowadziła moją ostatnią rekrutację. Wykazała się wysokim poziomem profesjonalizmu. Wszystkie informacje o mojej przyszłej firmie były rzetelne i w odpowiedniej ilości. Podczas krótkiej rozmowy na początku umiała zainteresować mnie przyszłym miejscem pracy, za co jestem jej wdzięczny.

Joanna Śliwińska
Automation Test Engineer
Kasia is a very competent recriutment specialist that I can full heartedly recommend. She tailored her offer ideally to my skillset and my career goals, what is rather uncommon on the local market. Moreover, she provided continuous support and stayed in touch in case to mitigate potential problems or to answer new questions. Finally, she did not work only on the behalf of the employer, but also fought to provide the best possible terms for me. So if someone is to have a cookie and eat a cookie, Kasia is the one to do it.

Piotr Marszałek
Programista .NET
It was a pleasure to take part in recruitment process organized by Kasia. Professionalism and great atmosphere was something not to forget! I definitely recommend Dotlinkers and looking forward for future cooperation.

Miroslaw Zajdel
QA Team Lead
Cooperation with Ewelina is a true pleasure. She is exceptionally nice, engaged and highly available person. She exactly knows, how to drive recruitment process in a fully professional way and I couldn’t take care of my own one better than she did. No doubt, the best recruitment experience I’ve had so far!

Michał Dul
Data Scientist / Software Engineer
I was connected with a company I’m currently working for thanks to Kamil. Now, I’m confident to say that because of his connections and understanding of technical aspects, I ended up with position that fits me very well. In addition, I could count on his advice, what resulted with the right career choice. I’m very glad I was connected with Kamil.

Maciej Sławiński
Java Developer
Kamil has recruited me to my current company. Contact with Kamil was very professional and I always got phone calls with response very very fast from him. After I joined the company, Kamil contacted me few times to check if everything is going well and if I’m happy with my recent job change. I recommend Kamil and his company Dotlinkers.

Marcin Mazurek
Front-end engineer
Kamil is the most professional recruiter I’ve ever worked with. He reached me out in an unusual way and proposed a couple of very interesting opportunities, with detailed information and salary range provided up front. He quickly proved he knows the software engineering industry very well. He actively participated in the recruitment process and made sure that interviews are scheduled as quickly as possible and the feedback is instant. Later he helped me negotiate a great offer and additional benefits. I highly recommend Kamil to any software engineer looking for a great gig.

Kamil Szydło
Java Developer
Artur is both a very nice person and a highly skilled individual, but the most important thing about him is that he gets the job done – straight to the point, without any unnecessary fuss. Doing business with him is a pleasure.

Andrei Marchenko
.NET, JS developer
Pani Ostrowska bardzo profesjonalnie prowadzi sprawy rekrutacyjne, zawsze utrzymuje kontakt z kandydatem i pomaga w rozwiązaniu ewentualnych problem, które mogą pojawić się w trakcie. Współpraca z Pani jest bardzo przyjemna.

Łukasz Zatorski
Product Owner | AgilePM®
A conversation with Kaja is pure pleasure. I am impressed by her professionalism and negotiating skills. One of the best experiences I’ve had with a talent hunter for a long time. I recommend everyone to use her knowledge and unique approach to people.

Marcin Natanek
Fullstack Engineer
Spośród setek ofert współpracy na LinkedIn to właśnie Kaja potrafiła złapać moją uwagę, głównie dzięki rozsądnemu podejściu i świadomości rynku technologicznego. Sprawnie umówiła mnie z kilkoma klientami firmy DotLinkers na procesy rekrutacyjne, zawsze pilnując aby obie strony były dobrze poinformowane oraz regularnie prosiła o feedback na temat spotkań, co pokazuje to dobre zrozumienie potrzeb klientów. Po otrzymaniu kliku ofert uczciwie pomogła mi rozważyć za i przeciw, oraz wybrać najbardziej satysfakcjonującą ofertę.Solidne 10/10, zdecydowanie polecam współpracę z Kają wszystkim profesjonalistom z branży IT.

Adam Kościński
Junior Java Developer
Bardzo polecam współpracę z Kają. Profesjonalna, przemiła osoba, która uczyniła rekrutację prostą i przyjemną.Polecone stanowiska odpowiadające profilowi kandydata, bardzo dobra komunikacja i na końcu świetna oferta.Zdecydowanie 10/10.

Przemysław Wojnowski
Software Developer
Wacław guided me through a recruitment process to a company and IMHO he did that excellent. Thanks to his active work responses from my further employer were much faster and I didn’t have to worry what is happening. To me as a software engineer it was great relief. 🙂

Marcin Kuszczak
Technical coordinator
Wacław jest profesjonalnym rekruterem. Na każdym etapie rekrutacji mogłem liczyć na jego pomoc i aktywne zaangażowanie. Mogę polecić go jako osobę angażującą się w pomoc klientowi.

Sandeep Lamba
DevOps, SysAdmin
Ridiculously efficient and tremendously gifted problem solver. I will run out of adjectives, If I will start talking about Kamil. He is extremely vibrant and passionate about his work which is infectious, I have to say.The energy, trust and patience that Kamil puts into you as individual is unimaginable. I faced a tricky situation while starting a new position but the way Kamil handled and helped me to resolve the situation was outstanding. He creates an instant reputation with his honesty and out of the box solution, without compromising over honesty and proper flow of communications.I would definitely recommend Kamil with any other regular head-hunter. An all seasoned man.

Rafał Siemieniec
Test Automation TL
Współpraca z Martyną układała się bardzo dobrze, zarówno będąc kandydatem na stanowisko, jak i osobą rekrutującą. Podchodzi do procesu rekrutacyjnego bardzo profesjonalnie, jest zapoznana z technologiami wykorzystywanymi w projektach do których rekrutuje. Ponadto Martyna jest osobą bardzo komunikatywną, co znacząco ułatwia współpracę.